Sunday, September 26, 2010

Schedule days

Many blogs get together to agree on a certain schedule on their blogpost, like Wordless Wednesday, and many more, but why exactly do they do this? hmm. as a snoopy blogger that likes to stick my nose in everything, lets look at why they do this and what could be the effect of this on their blog

On one side, when you get a schedule, you will know what to write, so you can just sit down and think about a genre that is somehow related to your schedule and viola! next thing you'll know there is a blog post is in front of you, pretty good don't you think?

But on the other hand, when you have a schedule, you have a restriction to what you will be writing, and using "You can always break the rules sometimes" alibi will ruin the essence of having a schedule, if you keep on using these alibi, there's no point for you to follow your schedule.

So either way, there is pro's and con's to each sides, but still, I will try to adapt a certain schedule and make myself a unique schedule.

What do you think? "Code-my-Blog Saturday", "Made to Write Wednesday" hehe :D

Oh, and I would like to sometimes get a suggestion on what you guys want to read here, or what you guys want to know, I will try to write every request you give me, whether its about money making or making your blog look shabby, im open to this, honestly, I preferably like this :D


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