Sunday, November 28, 2010

MJ'S (Mind Jog Sundays) : The Ant and the Glass

Ok, this is my entry to my meme today, I'm sorry that I posted it late.

The answer last week was,

"Elsa is the NAME of anna's mother"

Congrats to those who answered it right, your now 1 logic smarter haha :D.

Today's entry is a tricky one, can you figure it out? I'll invert the text by sentence, not by paragraph :D, lets work those eyes and neck, not just the mind :).

There was an ant, and a glass cup.
ssɐlƃ ǝɥʇ uı ʇuǝʍ ʇuɐ ǝɥʇ
after 1 minutes, 2 ants went in,
˙uı ʇuǝʍ sʇuɐ 8 uǝɥʇ ǝʇnuıɯ ɹǝɥʇouɐ 'uı ʇuǝʍ sʇuɐ 4 'ǝʇnuıɯ ɐ ɹǝʇɟɐ 'uıɐƃɐ
and so on and so forth.
The glass became full after 12:00

¿llnɟ ɟlɐɥ ǝɯɐɔǝq dnɔ ǝɥʇ pıp uǝɥʍ

Sorry for the inverted text, its my last line of defense to make this post a challenging one

Can you answer this one? :) and please comment what I should do so that others can join this meme too. specially on the linky stuff :)


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