Wednesday, January 12, 2011

PAKYAW! Pakyawin na yan! XD

I don't know how to translate that into English, haha.

Basically, Pakyaw is a tagalog word which means to buy something in bulk, or a customer just so exited that he'll buy all.

Well, someone came across my Cbox and posted a link to a website named "Pakyaw".

As curious as I am, I went in and signed up, and I was surprise what the site was giving, there's no need for investment, they actually will give you P100 pakyaw points when you signup! and given it was a site, I'll give them my trust.

I hope you guys give them yours too!


i already checked the site i saw this on other blog, the contest is really nice plus the prizes but i don't know if i will join them .. Well goodluck :)


Ako yung someone na nagpost ng link sa cbox mo ced. :) HMMMM Heyy! It worked! :p

InViTiNg YoU tO TrEK mY SiTe aNd LeAvE SoMe TrAiLs! ThAnK YoU! :]

Saw this on my email today. And I'm not joining. =)

Understandably, it's a new site and the best way to gather up daily visits is to hold giveaway draws. It's too hot to handle immediately.

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